Enrola Blog

The Truth About Free TAFE Courses: Exploring Your Options

Thinking about studying more without spending a lot? You might have heard about "FREE TAFE" and thought it sounds great. But did you know there's more to it? Let's talk about what "free" really means and show you all the choices you have, not just TAFE.

What Does "Free" Really Mean?

When we hear the word "free," it's natural to assume that something is entirely without cost. However, when it comes to "FREE TAFE," the term "free" refers to the government subsidy that covers the tuition fees for eligible students. This means that you won't have to pay the full cost of your TAFE course, but there may still be other expenses involved, such as textbooks or materials.

Most states also require some sort of student contribution to enrol in the course and not all courses, even those at TAFE, are free. 

More Than Just TAFE

A lot of people think only TAFE gets help from the government for courses, but that's not true. Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are also able to apply to have their courses receive subsidies or funding. This means you can choose from many different places to study, not just TAFE and still receive a "free" qualification. 

Why Look Around

Even though TAFE is a good choice for many, private RTOs often help students finish their courses more and offer more personalised support. 

They might have smaller classes or different ways of teaching that work better for some students. Also, "free" doesn't always mean it's the best. It's important to think about what you'll learn and who will teach you.

Finding the Right Fit

With so many choices, how do you pick? If you're worried about money, many private schools have plans that let you pay a little bit at a time. This way, you can learn now and pay later, making it easier on your wallet. Also, some RTOs specialise in specific areas like technology or health. They might offer exactly what you're looking for.

Plus, think about how you like to learn. Many places let you study online, which is great if you're busy or live far away. This means you can learn from anywhere, at any time, making it super flexible for you.

Making Your Choice

Choosing where to study is a big decision. Remember, just because it's free doesn't mean it's the best for you. Think about what you want to learn, how you like to learn, and what you want to do in the future. There are lots of schools out there, both TAFE and private, that the government helps pay for. Take your time to look around and ask questions. Find the best place for you to learn and grow by checking out the Enrola Course Advisor (we even have RTOs with funded options for eligible students!)

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